







図1 The Stary Night, 1889, Vincent van Gogh (提供:Meuseum of Modern Art, New York) http://astr-www.kj.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~shibata/yamashin/589-fig1.jpg

図2 銀河系ダストからの偏光放射(提供:ESA/プランクチーム) http://astr-www.kj.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~shibata/yamashin/589-fig2.jpg
references Van Gogh, by John Cauman, 2019, Pavilon Books Company Ltd 解説: In June 1889, while Vincent was a patient at the asylum in Saint-Remy(南フランスのサンレミ), he paint a nigh landcape with a starry sky, returning to a theme he has explored in Arles in Sept. 1888. His mental and emotional star had changed drastically over the past year, accompanied by the increasing agitation of pictorial style(不安感が増していた). Even before he had created the ealier work, Vincent had told this brother Theo that he was eager to paint a starry stky with cypresses. シプレ(イトスギ)

At the left side of the Starry Night, the flame-like forms of cypresses spiral skyward, with the one at the far left seeming to scale the firmament. iThe nigh sky teems with cosmic energy: liminous stars of white, yellow and orange, like the waning moon, are surrounde by circles of light; spricalling swirls are echoed by the undulation of the Alpilles mountain range below. A church steeple, like the cypress tree soars skyward, but the church itself and other builing of the town unkek the sky, mountains and threes are stable and block-like. The townn's architecture evokes thatof Vincent'a native Netherlands more than thato fo the Provencal twon of Saint=Remy. The Starry Night is the nocturnal counter part of the Olive Trees; the two works were both painted in June 1889. Both present an agitated, turbulent view of nature which reflected the artist's spiritual and emotional crisis at tha time, but his methods in creating the two works were quite different. The Olive Trees, like Sarry Night over the Thone of the previou year, was painted en plein air, and based on direct observation, a method that Vincent always foroured. THe Starry Night, by necessity, was created via a more synthetic precess. Vincent had a magnificent view of the night sky from the barred windows of his bedroom at the asylum, but the was not permitted to pain from this room, only to sketc. As a consequence, the starry night has more in common with painting by his Post-Impressionist colleagues Pau Gaugiun and Rmilie Bernard, whoc workd primarily fomr imagninaatin than wiht those of his Impressonis forebears. ゴッホの絵の引用先 提供:Meuseum of Modern Art, New York 絵のタイトル The Stary Night, 1889 作者 Vincent van Gogh http://www.moma.org. 資料の仕様が認められる場合の記述 https://www.moma.org/about/about-this-site/#terms-of-use Plank のダストからの変更イメージ Title Polarised emission from Milky Way dust Released 05/02/2015 3:00 pm Copyright ESA and the Planck Collaboration Description The interaction between interstellar dust in the Milky Way and the structure of our Galaxy’s magnetic field, as detected by ESA’s Planck satellite over the entire sky. Planck scanned the sky to detect the most ancient light in the history of the Universe – the cosmic microwave background. It also detected significant foreground emission from diffuse material in our Galaxy which, although a nuisance for cosmological studies, is extremely important for studying the birth of stars and other phenomena in the Milky Way. Among the foreground sources at the wavelengths probed by Planck is cosmic dust, a minor but crucial component of the interstellar medium that pervades the Galaxy. Mainly gas, it is the raw material for stars to form. Interstellar clouds of gas and dust are also threaded by the Galaxy’s magnetic field, and dust grains tend to align their longest axis at right angles to the direction of the field. As a result, the light emitted by dust grains is partly ‘polarised’ – it vibrates in a preferred direction – and, as such, could be caught by the polarisation-sensitive detectors on Planck. Scientists in the Planck collaboration are using the polarised emission of interstellar dust to reconstruct the Galaxy’s magnetic field and study its role in the build-up of structure in the Milky Way, leading to star formation. In this image, the colour scale represents the total intensity of dust emission, revealing the structure of interstellar clouds in the Milky Way. The texture is based on measurements of the direction of the polarised light emitted by the dust, which in turn indicates the orientation of the magnetic field. Id 334841 http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2015/02/Polarised_emission_from_Milky_Way_dust